Year 9 Options Presentation

Why choose music as a GCSE subject?

What does the course involve?

Over the two years you will complete four units of work based around three strands The Western Classical Tradition, Popular Music of the 20th & 21st Centuries & World Music.

The four units are:

Unit 1: Listening to and Appraising Music (Written Paper – 1 hour – 80 marks – 20%)

Unit 2: Composing and Appraising Music (Externally Assessed – 40 marks – 20%). You will compose one piece of music & write about the process of completing your composition and the final outcome.

Unit 3: Performing Music (Controlled Assessment – 60 marks – 40%). You will perform two pieces of music one piece by yourself & one as a group. This can be on any instrument or voice.

Unit 4: Composing Music (Controlled Assessment – 30 marks – 20%).  You will compose one piece of music in any style or genre of your choice.

Who should choose music?

·        If you enjoy music, regardless of ability

·        If you are not afraid to perform & are prepared to learn an instrument or sing

·        If you are creative

·        If you want a career within the music industry or want to pursue music studies further